Learn About Māmaki Tea!

Taylor Martin

TLDR: Remember that feeling you got when you took the first sip of hot tea? Well, you don’t have to go far to get that feeling again. When you drink Māmaki tea it takes you back to that special place. Māmaki is endemic to Hawaiʻi and experiencing it is something you will not want to miss. So, try one of our fabulous blends of Māmaki tea!

What is Māmaki?

Māmaki is a native endemic plant, meaning that it only grows on the Hawaiian Islands. The color of the Māmaki plant is the primary colors red, yellow, and blue mixed. Historically the common name Māmaki is an inclusive term encompassing all four species of the Pipturus genus. Unfortunately, Māmaki tea is under threat from rust, Ramie moths, and a tiny beetle called Polyphagous Shothole Borer. 

Generations ago, Māmaki tea was used as medicine for healing by the kahuna in Hawaiʻi. Now the term kahuna is used as slang for many things but historically it meant doctor, surgeon, and dentist. In 1819, kahuna were killed or forced to give up their religion. Then in 1824 calling yourself a kahuna was illegal, but after 1893 being registered as a kahuna was legal again. Unfortunately, this was disputed in court for years after and some cases were not won.

I will never forget the first time I tasted Māmaki tea. I was on a field trip with a friend in Puʻunui, Hawaiʻi and the professor had made homemade Māmaki tea with lemongrass and had a huge jug of it in the back of his car. I don’t know how to describe the taste, but it was so refreshing. It had a fruity taste to it, and I had never heard of this tea before. That tea helped me get through the day, as we had to climb up and down a mountain in the hot sun. I felt so refreshed after drinking the Māmaki tea and went back for more. I got curious about this new tea I had never had before as I am a tea lover, and started researching about the health benefits it provides and the history behind it. In this blog I will share what I learned about the Māmaki plant. I’ll go over the health benefits of drinking Māmaki tea, some of the history attached to it, and some fun facts about Māmaki tea. Are you ready? Let me take you on a journey you won’t forget!

The Health Benefits behind Drinking Māmaki Tea

There are so many health benefits that I really don’t know where to start. First let’s start with the Rutin that is in Māmaki tea, as it is likely to raise your metabolism and give you lots of energy. Not only that but it even has anti-inflammatory properties. Catechin is another product coming from Māmaki, it helps with weight loss and even improves how your brain functions. If you thought it could not get any better, well think again, Catechin also acts like a sunscreen and protects you against the sun's UV rays. You see, when you consume Māmaki tea it speeds up oxidation in your skin cells and in turn helps your skin become adaptive to the harmful rays of the sun.

Let’s not forget the Chlorogenic acid that is in Māmaki tea as it prevents weight gain. Māmaki tea is also rich in a lot of vitamins we need like A, C, K, and B. Polyphenols found in Māmaki tea are known for helping fight cancer as it regulates the activities of the enzymes involved in the reproduction process of the cells. There was a study done in 2022 that showed that Māmaki tea has chemo-preventative properties and another case study done in 2023 found that Māmaki leaves can help with preventing dementia. However, both studies stated that there is still a lot more research that needs to be done to see to what extent Māmaki can be helpful in preventing dementia and chemotherapy. There is just so much we don’t know about Māmaki.


Just like with any item there may be side effects to consuming Māmaki tea so please speak with your doctor or physician if you experience any. If you are taking any medication, please consult your doctor or physician before adding Māmaki tea to your diet

Fun Facts about Māmaki?

There are Hawaiian chants dating all the way from 400 years ago that speak on Māmaki protecting the forest. The Hawaiian people also believed that the Māmaki plant would provide for them. All the way back in the 1800’s every part of the Māmaki plant was used, the seed, wood, sap, bark, leaves, and fruit. The fruit of the Māmaki plant was used as a mild laxative. They would use the bark for making clothes to keep warm. Also, the leaves were not just used to make tea but also to make soups and salads.

Why Purchase Māmaki Tea?

  1. Helps farmers have a more sustainable source of income
  2. Protects a lot of endemic species and provides them with food
  3. Has a lot of health benefits compared to other tea out there

You are in luck because you don’t have to go far to try Māmaki, in fact we have Māmaki tea products in our store.

We got the Maui Pink blend for when you feel like drinking something that has a light flavor with a floral scent

Mauna Loa Green Blend which has a grassy fruity flavor, it’s great for when you don’t necessarily want to eat a fruit but want that fruity taste.

The Volcano blend if you want a bolder flavorful tea that you can feel going down.

We even have an Organic Cold Brew Hibiscus Mint and Mamaki tea with Yerba Mate blend.


Written by: Amber Moodie

References: Nutrients, polyphenols, and total antioxidant activities in Mamaki, Pipturus albidus

A Comprehensive Insight into Māmaki (Pipturus albidus): Its Ethnomedicinal Heritage, Human Health Research, and Phytochemical Properties

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