Naupaka Plant-Based Sunscreen (SPF 35)
A natural, plant based and reef-safe sunscreen (SPF 35) that is made of the plant naupaka (Scaevola taccada). Sunscreen is a medicine that helps protect your skin from the harsh rays omitted by the sun that could cause sunburn, most importantly skin cancer. Scaevola taccada, is a common shrub found throughout the Pacific. In Hawaiʻi, the name of this plant is called naupaka, after the Hawaiian Princess.
There are different variations of the legend of Naupaka, but the one that inspired the sunscreen is: Princess Naupaka fell in love with a fisherman but their love was kapu (forbidden) due to ancient custom. She ran to her kupuna to seek their blessings but they said no, however, they recommended that she could travel to see a kahuna to ask him for permission. The kahuna forbade the arrangement, but told them both to ask the gods. They prayed and a storm started to roll through, signaling that their answer was no. Because of this, they shared their farewells, as Naupaka had to return to the mountain and the fisherman must stay by the sea. Naupaka took the flower she wore in her ear, tore it in half, and gave the other to the fisherman, and returned to the mountains. And til this day, the naupaka flowers bloom in half, by the mountains (naupaka kuahiwi) and the sea (naupaka kahakai), symbolizing the separation of the two lovers.
Ingredients: naupaka, coconut oil, red raspberry seed oil, zinc oxide powder, shea butter, beeswax, vitamin e oil
Naupaka Plant-Based Sunscreen (SPF 35)